Of Mind and Heart

I have some good news to report, we have reached our target for Christ’s Mission Appeal for 2023-24! Our original target was $ 59,531.40. As of June 30, 2024, we have $ 60,400.40 collected at the Diocese with another $ 1,976.01 in pledges yet to be honored. A few months after our original target was given us, the Diocese decided to lower the targets for all the parishes because they were struggling with their targets. It was just for this year. The new target given us was $51,413. We reached the new goal about three months ago. Monies over the new goal have been coming back to the parish, but I didn’t want to announce that until we had reached the original target. It’s all to the good. Thanks to all of you who have been so generous to Christ’s Mission Appeal and I ask those who are still honoring pledges to continue to do so. This is the first time we’ve met our target since I came four years ago. Thank you,


​​Fr. Ron


From Fr. Ron's Desk...

July 28, 2024

Fr. Ron Wagner, Pastor